Trusted Solutions For Parasite Control In Sheep And Cattle.
Responsible use of effective drenches is critical for the long-term profitability of your farm. Drench resistant parasites are becoming more common, so balancing production gains with long-term drench efficacy is the goal of a sustainable parasite management plan. For more information refer to the Wormwise website.
The Coopers range of drenches which include Alliance, Converge and Scanda are all short-acting oral drenches containing multiple actives. These qualities align with industry best-practice drenching recommendations for sheep and cattle.
When used in appropriate classes of stock at strategic times of the year, Coopers drenches can form the backbone of your parasite management plan, helping delay drench resistance while minimizing the impact of parasites on productivity.
Coopers is a brand that has stood the test of time and we want our drenches to do the same.
To determine which Coopers drench is likely to be best for your unique farming situation refer to our drench decision making guide here.